Tee Pee Card Video Tutorial

I hope you each had a wonderful Thanksgiving and survived the crazy shopping crowds on Black Friday! I enjoyed shopping from home and playing in my stamping studio. Below is a tee pee card I made for the thanksgiving table. I originally saw this idea at a swap i attended a few weeks ago. Karen was the one who showed us how to make the card here is a link to her original card.

I made a similar card last month with my stamp clubs. The card was a bit difficult to explain so with my hubbies help I made you a video! the video has some issues but I think it gets across the process. So here goes.

Hope you enjoyed it. Don't forget just a few short hours left on the extravaganza sale! See the post below for details.


Heather said…
Very cute. My niece would have loved something like this!
Lyn S said…
Love it!! Thanks for showing how you put it together with the video tutorial.
Ann said…
Too cute! Love that turkey! :D
fishlips said…
This is Fantastic....Love the Tutorial...Thanks you Bunches...You make it look so easy!!!!
What a neat card. Thanks for the tutorial.
Marnie said…
Oh he's a cutie patootie! Love this!
Kathi said…
Oh. That's just way too cute! Great job!
B said…
Oh totally missed this post earlier! Love the turkey!

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