Interested in a free copy of Paper Craft Sampler?

Welcome to the sneak peek of the Le Jardin paper craft sampler! This is my project for this issue! I have created a wonderful gardeners box full of cards! I especially like the daffodils that adorn the box. I would love to show you more but you can see it yourself by subscribing to Paper Crafters Sampler

This pattern along with other amazing projects can be found in this month's Le Jardin theme Paper Crafters Sampler. So if you would like this pattern and access to more wonderful projects and patterns, subscribe today to the Paper Crafters Sampler, click on the PCS widget on the left side of my blog which will take you right there and be sure to use code PCSVK to subscribe or mention me-Virginia Killmore so that I will receive credit!

This month I have something special for my blog followers. How would you like a free copy Of March's Le Jardin Paper craft sampler? Just leave me your comments on this post by March 5th. I will announce the winner on March 6th. thanks for looking Virginia!


Yes! I would be intersted in a free copy of Paper Craft Sampler. Please put my name in. It might give me the push to subscribe!
Diane Ouellette
Unknown said…
Oh my.....more inspiration - I love it!

Thanks for the opportunity of winning this subscription.
I'd love a free copy Virginia!!! Pick me, pick me!!!! (I'm not above begging!)
Anonymous said…
Love your flowers! I would love to learn how to do those!
megsmome said…
Please put my name in, I would LOVE it. I just may have to subscribe.
Anonymous said…
I'd love a free copy. This project is great!!!
Liz said…
I'm intrigued! To get a free subscription for a month might get me hooked even more on Stampin Up!

I would love a free copy. Pick me, please.

denise_in_pa at embarqmail dot com
Nana Jo said…
I also would be interested in a free copy. I really don't know this magazine and it would be fun to see.

Nana Jo
I would love a copy. I love anything with paper expecially punches.
Thanks Penny
nanny23 said…
Hi there

I would to receive a free copy of Paper Craft Sampler!

Lynn SB
Diane Noble said…
Always looking for more inspiration and just learned about this site a couple of weeks ago. I've been thinking about the sampler--every project peek I've seen I really like. Thanks for the chance to win a sample of the sampler!!!
katou said…
Your card is so beautiful with those 3D flowers.
I am interested too by the free copy if it makes me doing the same beautiful things.
Sherry said…
I love the softness of Spring.. this is a lovely card.. makes me wish the snow would all melt away! I'd love a chance to win a copy of PCS!
Carin said…
Sure, who couldn't use more inspiration... thanks!
HoneyB Designs said…
Thank you for the inspiration and opportunity!
Dawn said…
Of course I'd love to check it out. Sounds fabulous. I like your daffodils - I'm ready for Spring! Thanks!
MaGoooo said…
What a GREAT piece of blog candy you are offering! LOVE your spring inspiration card!!
Eileen said…
great daffodils, thanks for sharing
Rose said…
Would love to see a free sample. I really enjoyed the Easter Bonnets and would love to see more. Thanks for the offer-
Of course... I woulbe be interested to get more inspirations. Thank you for the opportunity and for sharing with us.
Martha Lucia
Sharon Carr said…
Yes, I'd like to learn more about Paper Craft Sampler. Thanks for the chance to win this and see it for myself.
Darlean said…
Thanks for the chance to win!
Cheryl said…
I would really like to give the Paper Craft Sampler a try. Thanks!

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